Kentucky Jewish Council Mission & Value Statement

    The mission of the Kentucky Jewish Council is to proactively advocate for and ensure the rights, interests, and values of the Kentucky Jewish community; and to promote classical Jewish ideas and standards in matters of public policy.

    Central to the focus of KJC are matters of concern to the Jewish community in Kentucky – including local matters, regional and national issues, and community relations activities related to Israel and other international Jewish concerns. This is done by amplifying the Jewish community’s voice on critical issues in the public sphere.

          • Encourage amicable relationships, mutual understanding, and respect among the various groups in Kentucky.

            Protect and strengthen the rights and interests of the Jewish community in Kentucky.

          • Combat antisemitism and every other form of racism or group prejudice.

          • Mobilizing the community whenever Jews anywhere are in need of support and standing by a secure and vibrant Israel by promoting a strong America/Israel relationship based on the recognition of the State of Israel as a democratic, historical, religious, and national homeland of the Jewish people.

          • Advance the U.S.-Israel special relationship, especially through greater Kentucky-Israel collaboration, bolster Israel’s security and prosperity and promote prospects for true and lasting peace in the Middle East.

          • Finding common ground among those with a broad range of religious affiliations, opinions, and ideologies by facilitating constructive dialogue through shared understanding and civility and demonstrating leadership when vital interests are at stake.

    Our Jewish values inform our work and the change we seek in the world.

    The Kentucky Jewish Council advocates its mission through the following:


          • Press Releases and Policy Statements on current affairs;

            Interacting with the community at large through social media;

          • Op-Eds by members of the KJC Board;

          • Direct advocacy with government officials and media representatives; and

          • Public conferences and related events